Social: Convincing captured prisoners to join forces with you, as well as bartering for resources.Crafting: Crafting weapons and clothing.Cooking: Cooking food without giving your colonists food poisoning.Mining: Obtaining metallic resources such as steel for building better equipment, and quickly digging a safe hole to hide in.Construction: Building a shelter for your tribe, beyond any caves you mine out.Desert and Tundra have very little wood you'll need a grower with skill 6. Healroot does not grow in Tropical Swamps you'll need a grower with skill 8 to sow it. Forage amounts are determined by a colonist's Plants skill. In biomes and seasons where it's possible to do so, tribes forage at a rate of 170% while traveling. Starting a stable food supply is a high priority because you start off with very little food. Plants: Growing food crops and cutting plants.Since your tribe is slow to research many projects, you may want to start soon. Since herbal medicine has a low medical potency, the doctor needs to be skilled and have a clean room to work in.Medical: Treating the sick and injured, which happens a lot in neolithic cultures.You need a couple heavy hitters in the ranged department, and as many who can help as possible.

There are only 12 skills in Rimworld, and you'll find that you want every one.

Since you have 5 people, each tribesperson doesn't have as much of an impact as colonists from other scenarios.