Lately I’ve been able to skip the afternoon dosage and down to 1 pill before bed. Now I take 2 in the morning one in the afternoon and 2 before bed. Should I call for a refill again? I feel this is excessive. I had to call the surgeons office for refill. First my Surgen prescribed me 40pills but the pharmacy only filled 28. Hello I’m 11 days out of ACL surgery, pateller graft and partial meniscus. I’m also now starting to experience cramping on my quad and the side of my hamstring on the leg of the surgery. It just extremely still all the time now. My shoulder feel like there’s rocks in then and my neck pinches every other night. I’ve been doing okay sleeping taking pain meds right before bed but I can’t find a comfortable sleep. I’ve been able to skip the afternoon dose but it still seems like I’m running out quickly. Depending on my pain at night 1 or 2 before bed. Do I call for another refill? Am I taking to many? I’ve been taking 2 in the morning 1 in the afternoon. So again I’m out and 3 days away from my 14 day post opp appointment. Why won’t the Pharmacy fill my prescription completely. I had to call the doctor after 4 days to get more. First I was prescribed 40x- 5mg Oxycodone but the pharmacy only filled 28. Hello I’m 11 days out of ACL surgery, pateller graft and partial meniscus debridement. Do I sound like I might need replacement / reconstruction, or possibly another form of treatment? Reply I am just starting PT to regain strength after letting the injuries cool down, but worry that my loose ACL / MCL (everything is intact according to recent MRI, but physical exam shows that both are more flexible than expected) will hold me back and limit my recovery. July 2020 I tweaked something in my left knee (likely patella subluxation) that slowed me down & has since caused both knees to explode with pain to the point of inability to walk over a mile or do stairs w/o pain. I skied over the winter a few times and by April, I was 90% pain-free and back to a more active lifestyle of hiking & walking. In Nov 2019, I began to experience some nagging medial knee pain, I suffered a few flare-ups from certain movements, but they never got to be too much or last more than a week so I never got medical help. Since 2017, my activity levels dropped, making the protection of my muscle less sufficient. In 2015, I strained the MCL longboarding (and likely ACL too), but make a “full recovery” for both within a couple of months. Posted in Doctor Advice Tagged acl surgery, ACL tear, knee, MCL tear
If you have more questions about your ACL, MCL or any other knee injury, feel free to contact us and we’ll do our best to help. The sooner he or she clears you, the sooner you get back to doing all of the things you love. Do: Go to your scheduled follow-ups with your knee surgeon. (See “The Fastest ACL Post-Surgery Rehab Program” above.) Do: Physical therapy. Don’t: Walk, swim, cycle, bend and extend your knee, etc. It will help protect and stabilize your knee while speeding up your recovery. Until your orthopedic surgeon says it’s okay to begin putting light pressure on That’s right… a wheelchair and/or crutches are mandatory This gives the joint time to heal properly without stressing your newly-fixed The knee joint completely straight immediately after your ACL reconstruction. Yes, this will not be comfortable, but it’s vital to keep Remember, it’s an uphill battle… but it’s one you can win. Pushing the limits and staying within the rehabilitation lines differs from person to person and from day-to-day. The most difficult thing about ACL rehabilitation is sticking to the program – whether that means pushing yourself past your comfort zone or reigning it in so as to not overdo it. Step 3: Do exactly what they say to do, when they say to do it. Step 2: Listen to your physical therapist. The Fastest ACL Post-Surgery Rehab Program The letter, the best guess is no less than six months. Plan to follow the rehabilitation recommendations of your orthopedic surgeon to If your surgery was successful with no complications and you The first question has a simple but imprecise answer: it ( Learn what to expect during your ACL reconstruction.) ACL Surgery Recovery Time What’s the fastest way to recover from ACL reconstruction?.How long does it take to recover from an ACL surgery?.If you’re staring down the barrel of an ACL reconstruction – or just went through ACL surgery – you probably have a few questions… Unlike recovery from a torn MCL – which can usually be rehabilitated back to health – recovery from an ACL tear almost always begins with surgery. ACL Surgery: The Fastest (and Often Only) Way to Recover from an ACL Tear Mobility and strengthening exercises, but it (thankfully) doesn’t usuallyĪCL tears, however, are a whole different story. MCL rehab and recovery can be a long road filled with Luckily, all but the most severe MCL tears are typically treated